From The Heart
From the Heart.....
We are here for one purpose — because Apostle Carter believes God has given her a vision to reach a people whose hearts are ready for Jesus — a people who are thirsty and want more — a people who are ready and sincere to answer the Call of God.
We are looking to see God transform lives and build His Kingdom within you. We are looking to see miracles, healing, and deliverances take place in your lives.
We are expecting great things for you, no matter where you are spiritually in your journey with the Lord. You can be raised up —- it’s never too late.
I have the experience and the Apostolic Team to do the work. We are anointed and appointed by God through the work of the Holy Spirit.
It took years to get here, waiting on the Lord and being very sensitive to the Holy Spirit and the Call.
We come in the name of the Lord. We come with power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit.
Upon The Rock Ministries welcomes you to come if you do not have a church home or if God is calling you into the Ministry of the Apostolic. Make sure the Lord is sending you, so you will remain and bear fruit and much more fruit. Answer the Call and then be sent out to accomplish the work of Jesus Christ for you are the Ambassador for Christ.
All souls belong to the Lord. Apostle Carter is just an overseer of God’s people. She does not believe in putting people back in bondage to serve her, but to set you free to serve the living God with your gifts and talents when they are discovered.
God Bless His People,
Apostle Carter